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We keep on trying to tame our egoes, but only when we accept it as a part of ourselves and stay fully aware of it...Only then we will connect with our supreme Self.

    My philosophy


Hi, my name is Emina and I`m a passionate yogini from Serbia who decided to get (Yoga Alliance) certified three months ago.

I discovered Yoga very early,I was 12 when my dad caught me on the floor, imitating a girl on TV who was doing Eka Pada Sirasana(leg behind the head pose) And I was doing it with such ease, so he took me to my first Yoga class and since then I never stopped thinking about the path of Yoga as my Dharma.

My philosophy is very simple, and its based on The Sutras of Patanjali, a book that is every Yogi`s bible. Every human being is fighting his ego all the time. Ego exists to protect us but sometimes, it can cause jealousy, anger , bad thoughts and actions, and people aware of that are trying to tame their egoes. I`m one of those people,still struggling with how to controll it.But the goal is actually to except our ego as a part of us,and become observers only,to become our best SELVES!


             Yoga classes

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        Ayurveda plan


My Yoga style is very traditional.

Here, I will be offering Hatha and Hatha Vinyasa inspired classes, but since I really like to personalise my classes, you will tell me something about your practise and expectations so I can design my classes to suit you, which means I can even offer a nice restorative and relaxing class, depending on your needs.

If you are a newbie ,don`t worry, we will start from very beginning.

You will see ,once you start practising breathing, meditationa and asanas you will become more peaceful and naturally start practicing AHIMSA-non harmfulness, and amazing things will start happening to you.


Ayurveda is a sister science of yoga.It is based on ancient texts and represents a body’s energetic,  physical and spiritual responses.It consists of breath work, nutrition, meditation

Doshas are three energies that we are made of and they provide every human being with an original blueprint for health and fulfilment.

That`s why we want to determine our Doshas,to know which kind of lifestyle, nutrition and Yoga style is best for us,to live our best lives.

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